Question A Week 15

How are you practicing gratitude?


"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." Willie Nelson

A while back I was in a hole. I couldn’t see a way forward. It’s a place I’m familiar with and I’ve finally learned not to panic, at least not as much. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt, or it isn’t scary. It does, and it is. But I’ve learned to trust that it will pass. 

One of the most powerful practices for me during these times is gratitude. I’m certainly not the first person to espouse the benefits of gratitude. Every spiritual tradition emphasizes the importance of gratitude, and more and more the wisdom of these teachings are being corroborated by scientific studies of the brain. 

Think about the happiest, most fulfilled people you know, and I’ll bet that gratitude is a significant part of their lives. It’s important to note that these are not necessarily people with the “perfect” circumstances in their lives. The truth is, practicing gratitude works, regardless of the circumstances of your life. 

Over the years I’ve learned that HOW I practice gratitude matters, especially during those times when I find myself in a hole. It’s not enough for me to just name what I’m grateful for, or jot things down quickly. I need to spend intentional, recurring time focused on gratitude.

In the practice I’ve developed over the years, first I write down 5-10 things I am grateful for. The number doesn’t matter. If you’re new to this, you may want to start with 3-5. What is important is to flesh out each gratitude with as many details as possible. I also include “why” I am grateful for it, which is a powerful reminder of what I care about and love. Then I spend the time to slowly read each gratitude back to myself, out loud if possible. What I’m going for is the ability to visualize, sense, and feel the gratitude in my body, not just think about it in my head. The bonus step is when I find someone else to do this practice with so we can share our daily gratitudes. Doing so gives us ideas for additional things to be grateful for and inspires us to keep at the practice, which is when we will in turn see more things to be grateful for! 

Don't hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions about doing this practice, or if you'd like to share your gratitudes with me.