What do we do with a mind that won’t stop?
Photo by Sarah Hannigan
The mind thinks, that is what it is designed to do. It will never stop. The more important question is what kind of relationship do we have with the thoughts that arise in our mind? Do we cling to the ones that we like and resist the ones that we don’t like? Most of us do. The Buddhists call this a recipe for suffering. Instead, they encourage us to become a witness to our thoughts, accepting whatever comes up without judgment. Easier said than done, but worth the effort, I can assure you.
This practice creates a pause, however small, before we react to the agreeable or disagreeable thought. With time, this pause gets longer and longer, creating more and more space for us to make a choice in how we react. For me this practice has been a recipe for more ease and freedom in my life regardless of the circumstances.