Life Coaching with Paula Williams

As a life coach for the past 20 years, I have had the privilege of working with people to develop deeper meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives.

I would love to support you in this way.

Paula helped me find ways to reawaken my spirit and rekindle parts of me long brushed aside.
— Sonja

Coaching Services

As your life coach I will…

Help you make the changes you want to make by combining insight with action. Together we will create a plan for how you can move forward.

Acknowledge the complexities of your life, while challenging you to expand beyond your current limitations. Together we will take an honest look at what is holding you back.

Offer you fresh perspectives, give you candid feedback, and at times, make difficult requests for you to try. Together we will keep you accountable to your plan of action.

Remind you of your inherent goodness until you are able to do this for yourself. Together we will identify who you are at your core and what you most care about so you can live more intentionally from that place.

Engage wholeheartedly with you as your confidante, ally, and biggest fan as you learn to make lasting changes in your life.


Choose from different life coaching services:

  • Single Session Coaching Conversations

  • Multiple Session Coaching Programs

Ready to get started?


Paula creates a sacred space in which to engage her clients in caring, thoughtful, probing dialogue lovingly aimed at the client’s development.
— Dawn

My decision to become a life coach is rooted in my unceasing desire to understand the challenges and possibilities of what it means to be human and to then use that wisdom to help myself and others become who we are meant to be. It is from this place of authenticity, we are best able to offer our unique part of what is needed in this world.


About Paula

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I was trained and certified as an Integral Coach with New Ventures West, accredited by the International Coach Federation. The profound breadth and depth of this training set me on a firm foundation for my work as a coach, and I have continued to widen and deepen my knowledge and skills by attending additional trainings each year. Many of these trainings are experiential in nature and include: Thwarting The Inner Critic, Embodying Your Heartfelt Desires, Daring Way, The Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations That Matter, Bodhisattva Peace Training, and The Sacred Art of Living and Dying.

I like to say, however, that my master level training for my work as a coach began in 2008 when I became a parent, and it continues to this day.

Whatever beliefs I hold about what is right and what is wrong are quickly put to the test, and I am left without solid ground to stand on. Whatever stories I have about myself, positive or negative, are inevitably held up to me like a mirror, and I am invited to reconsider. Whatever challenges I prepare myself to encounter are quickly replaced by ones I never would have dreamed of, and I question if I can meet them. Whatever emotions I try to keep hidden are completely laid bare, and I find my heart broken open again and again. These everyday parenting experiences have created in me a deeper sense of vulnerability, humility, and empathy, which in turn have given me access to a greater sense of presence and joy, all qualities that have undoubtedly made me a better coach.

Paula Williams is available for face-to-face coaching in Duluth, MN and the surrounding area, as well as by phone or video.

Paula has a wise, compassionate, and centered presence that supports me in my journey toward my true, authentic self. On those days when the journey feels too hard and treacherous to continue, the knowledge that I will be seeing her helps to calm and focus me. I can’t wait to see where the journey takes me.
— Pam


Question A Week

“Question a Week” is a creative inquiry I started years ago to share with clients and friends. I offer it here for you as a tool of self-observation.

The practice of Self-Observation is an essential aspect of the life coaching process. We are often told what others think, feel, and believe, or we’re told what to think, feel, and believe.

Self-Observation is about asking ourselves powerful questions as a way to better understand ourselves, others, and the world around us. Answers don’t always come immediately, but the asking is important.